Thursday, March 26, 2009 Y
went heeren with lin ying today to do cip. we each had a free t-shirt cos we were supposed to wear the shirt that is being sold. i wore the purple one and lin ying the black one. we quite enjoyed ourselves there. we were supposed to sell badges and t-shirts. but i tink me and lin ying talked more than we worked. haha. but it's not our fault, many people didnt want to buy and some siamed after seeing us. i tink the 2 seniors and another pair of j1s did better:) it was a bit tiring and boring cos me and lin ying went out of topics to talk about. but after dinner, we got super high and talked a lot. we laughed so much la. lin ying is damn funny. and i love her imagination. i love talking to her about random stuff:D haha. and we saw a weird tall guy dressed weirdly in the mall. all of us laughed lyk mad. my whole stomach muscle was hurting and my face was burning. lin ying's ears were hot too. one of the j1s was really pro cos she managed to control her laughter and asked the guy whether he wanted to buy anything from us. but she told us he said, "sorry." weird la. and today after sch, i went bookshop to buy milky bar cos i cant resist my urge of eating choco. and the aunty said today would be her last day selling choco and sweets in the bookshop cos she's banned frm selling these cos the drink stall vendor frm the canteen went to complain abt her selling these. wth la. this is so depressing. i would have no more milky bar, crunch and milo bar to eat anymore! and the sour sweets! and cos of this, i bought one more milo bar in addition to the milky bar. i was rly crazy today to be eating 2 milo bars and one milky bar cos i ate one milo during break already. i tink i will grow fat lor. but dun care le for the sake of choco:)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Y
today was such a perfect day other than not getting to see D and O. i enjoyed my day so much. i laughed so much back GP test today. before that, i was still having some hope that i will pass. there were only 10 who passed. highest 29, lowest 17. when i heard 17, i was lyk "oh not bad.. cos the top and bottom are not too far apart:) " but i still had hopes that i will be the lucky one. as the chances of passing got slimmer as miss kim announced more and more ppl who hav done well, i know i wont be so lucky but i still kept assuring myself. but my hopes were totally shattered when miss kim said that there were 2 ppl (yit khai and me) who did ques 4 (the ques i did) and both failed. haiz.. but i wasnt damn sad as, to me, 17 was ok already. and something funny and embarrassing happened to me and shaun today during GP lesson. i cant stop laughing la. haha. during GP, i was sitting on the chair with 2 legs on the ground only (it's my habit :D) and shaun was sitting behind me. and all of a sudden, i heard "BAM". i thought the sound came from the back and i saw shaun falling onto the ground right on the butt. his posture then was super funny. haha. and i tink i actually didnt rly realise that my chair was on the ground also until lyk a sec later, i realised my left hand was on the table and i was squatting on the ground and not sitting on my chair! then i quickly got back into my seat but cant help laughing. i was glad that i actually supported myself with my left hand when seated or else i would be lyk shaun, falling onto the ground so awkwardly. haha. but both of us really didnt know exactly what happened cos everything was too sudden. i think shaun said his chair was not rly off the ground, tt's y he dun understand y he fell. and he said next time cant sit behind me anymore:p i felt tt it was weird too and cos i tot i only heard one "BAM". it's so weird cos 2 chairs cant possibly land on the ground at the same time.. the classroom must be haunted, man. so freaky la. xin ying told me in the afternoon that when she heard the "BAM", she turned back and saw 2 ppl missing. haha. the way she said it was damn funny. and matthew told me on msn that he termed it as "simultaneous fall-down". haha. so rare leh:)after sch, went PS with lin ying and xin ying. main aim was to go action city to buy the red apple soft toy which is rly rly cute. the 3 of us were like in a market choosing then nicer apples and arranging them out. haha. we helped wan chu, vanessa and kai yun buy too and we are using it as our clique item. haha. so cool. then ate lunch there. and proceed to vivo city after that. went chamelon to buy hairties. diff colour hairties. my clique was going to carry out my plan, which is to tie hairties of different colours everyday and with all of us having the same colour everyday. i tink that's so cool too:) yay we are the coolest ppl on earth now! haha. then went vivo roof after that. we talked and talked and took funny pics.the 3 of us decided that all of us shld name our red apple soft toy:) lin ying's one is called jojo and i decided on yoyo cos everytime i see it i feel lyk saying yoyo. haha. xin ying's one still not decided. i shall see what the rest are naming theirs tomorrow:)oh and tmr, wan chu and kai yun are treating us to Island Creamery. yay! cos before that the 5 of us were saying before GP that the 2 ppl who score highest among us will treat the rest of the 3 to Island Creamery cos we rly want to go there. kai yun is the only one in our clique who has gone before and she's going to show the 4 suagus around tmr:) yay! yum yum i cant wait to eat the ice-cream!yay! tmr no sch cos it's founder's day for hci. but athena doing faculty cip:) hope it would be fun doing the souvenirs.
Monday, March 23, 2009 Y
ahh... xiao jun is making me emo now... talking to her on msn and she reminded me of days in cedar. i rly hate my life now. and i hate how life is like. y cant we always make new frens and stay with old close frens all the time thruout our life? y must there be separation and pain? haiz... life is unfair at times.. this was wad xiao jun said:and I miss NCC
I miss how crazy we were!
I miss the stoopid Gin's laughter
I miss going down for recess together!
I miss taking 107 together and buying bubble tea and getting very nervous if the bus comes! then we'll be like.. " kuai dian, aunty. Bus yao lai le! " and I miss eating french fries
French fries no longer tastes the same...i totally agree with her. i would never ever taste such salty french fries anymore.. i rly miss gin's loud loud thunderous laughter which can make everyone laugh. we miss wearing cedar uniform now. i miss fanning myself with the tie.. i really miss NCC, the times we did drills and kena scoldings tgt, perspired and smelled tgt (i still rmb maam apriani asking us whether we can smell ourselves and i even answered no cos we are in the plt, so we cant smell ourselves. haha. but it's rly true.) and i miss commanding and doing flag-raising:'( we will never ever do this tgt again. everything is different now.. i will never get to see my close frens everyday ever again.i'm strting to emo again.. this is my dunno what time emoing this yr. i'm still stuck in my past. but i dun wish to come out of it too..
Monday, March 23, 2009 Y
oh yay, lin ying enlightened me that this week is such an exciting week. yay! there is no huang cheng today and tmr:D heehee. me and lin ying were slacking around after sch today. it reminded me of my days in cedar where sch life was not hectic lyk now:( yay going vivo city with lin ying tmr to buy stuff, impt stuff, stuff which makes us feel damn excited now. hope we will manage to buy them then:) looking forward to tmr! then wed no sch. only athena cip, so another fun day cos no nid study. woohoo! we are missing so many lessons this week la. yes! thurs doing chalk cip at heeren so not going huang cheng.. lin ying, dun be depressed anymore k? though times are really hard for us now and there are many things we are not pleased of, we shall endure to the end together. these 2 years will definitely be fun for us cos at least we still have each other:D i'm really glad to have you in my class, or else i think my life will be more miserable. we must jiayou k!
Friday, March 20, 2009 Y
yesterday, went to lin li's house for class gathering. i didnt expect it to be that fun as i thought it would be a sian one since so many people are arriving late or not going as they are too busy. but lin li had this super fun game in her house which all of us enjoyed playing. it's GUITAR HERO. it's super fun but i was quite lousy at it. haha. we even went downstars to play some games and talk. and i love lin li's house. there are so many types of cookies in her house:) her lovely mum even bought 2 packets of chips when she returned home quite late last night. as many people had left, so a few of us got to enjoy the snacks. yum yum :p i really felt that our class seemed like a big family. though it had been a long time since we last met, the feeling was still there:) i will miss them. i love 4H. and thanks lin li for letting us use your house! i know you were super tired out by this gathering. i promise we wont have the rest of our gatherings at your house anymore:)

and yes! today met lin ying and xin ying at AMK hub to sing kbox. had lunch first. the grilled fish set which lin ying suggested to us is delicious:) and we had fun during kbox. i thought it would be quite sian as there were only the 3 of us but cause no choice, the rest cant make it and me and lin ying cant control our urge to sing anymore so we had to go today. but i was totally wrong! we zi-high and even got up to try to dance during the 3-7-20-1 song. but we forgot most of the steps already. haha. we laughed so much today. it was super fun! lin ying's voice is super nice. she can sing damn well:) saw gin, gin's sis, aijia and yvonne at kbox too. they went there after hockey training. i saw aijia and yvonne as the both of them walked past our room. they asked me to go surprise gin. so i went to their room and saw gin singing. gin didnt stop singing so i started singing with her. haha.
and i think i'm so dead. i wanted to complete a lot of stuff this holiday but i seemed to be slacking through my holiday:( i am so pissed with myself. ah!! i wanted to understand all the notes after completing my homework but now, i havent even complete half of my homework yet..
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 Y
in the end, i didnt go swimming yesterday morning. i managed to wake up at the end of my third alarm but heaven was not on my side.. it was raining. but i am determined to go swimming this week. i'm going to go swimming on a regular basis from now on. MUST! i'm going swimming in the morning tomorrow, before 4H gathering:)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Y
went back cedar for CO Night just now. met many of my platoon mates and i really miss them.we went to the general office to collect our o level cert but the staff said that the certs are not ready yet and we have to collect it at our jc. this is so weird cause other sch people have been informed to go back to their school to collect their cert. watched the cadets' performance. it's not bad given the time they were given to plan and rehearse their item. i miss being a cadet. i miss attending camps. now that i'm in chinese society (omg i dont even know why i choose this. it's seriously not my type. haiz.. all because of my spine problem or else i would have joined oac or canoeing or floorball.) and recreational badminton, i dont even think i will have the opportunity to attend overnight camps. haiz.. i miss the feeling of camps. hearing my plt mates said so much about hockey today makes me have the urge to play floorball too. ah!! i want to join a sport cca too!oh and i had so much fun playing gei3 wo3 tempo ready go with gin and i wen. i miss playing this since after orientation. it was a game which i thought people like me who cant concentrate on doing 2 things at one go can play. but i managed to play it still :D the 3 of us were the only high ones playing this game. gin was so funny, she even said "boon hui, 100". haha that was funny. we enjoyed ourselves.a few of us went to PP macs after leaving school. ate supper and talked about jc life. i want to go swimming tomorrow morning and i hope i can wake up, given that i'm still awake at 1a.m. now. i wanted to go on sunday but didnt manage to wake up earlier enough. i must go swimming to keep myself fit and tanned. i cant stand not doing sports!
Sunday, March 15, 2009 Y
i was supposed to meet lin ying at orchard mrt station yesterday but so qiao, we met on the train. haha. lin ying was supposed to buy several things yesterday but bought none. we walked from one end of orchard to the other end and then to PS. in the end, we decided to go to school earlier for talentime since the trip was already not a fruitful one. went to school early and saw yit khai there already. we ate the dinner we da-baoed there. and a senior from our senior class was funny as he doesnt even know me and lin ying were from his junior class. he asked yit khai but in the end, we started acting that we are not hwa chongians. haha. then went coro to buy bubble tea cause yit khai didnt eat dinner. and yesterday to our surprise, me and lin ying saw someone whom we thought wouldnt attend talentime. our mood brightened up:) the performers were ok, not as good as i had expected them to be. but some have really good voices. and i'm glad Oral Participation got first for vocal group:) their performance was truly a cool, funny and entertaining one. i love it so much!and i only discovered that talentime is a once in 2 years event.. lin ying and i are super depressed by this as we were already prepared to sign up for talentime next year. ah.. our dreams are shattered. had we know that outsiders from other schools are also allowed to participate, i would have dragged gin to come. she's so high and wont feel shy at all in front of the audience. me and lin ying felt shy about participating at first but now, we want to join but no more chance. sian. luckily we went to watch it yesterday or else we would have missed this great event in our jc life! there should be more of this event in hwa chong to showcase the students' hidden talents.oh and yesterday it was already super late when me and lin ying boarded 74. we were so scared that we wont have bus to go home cause it was too late. i waited so long at the second bus stop and luckily 132 came:) i was relieved. but lin ying was worse than me. she waited so long for her 93 that even i felt so worried for her. luckily she managed to board a 93 bus after a super long wait.
Friday, March 13, 2009 Y
yay it's holidays! finally. i feel so free now. i'm going to slack today after so many weeks of hectic lessons! woohoo! going to get to see sec sch frens soon. and going kbox with lin ying they all soon! yay! it has been a long time since i went kbox:) i want to sing! lalalala...and seriously i was quite pissed off again by the way they s***y for t**ts. it's ridiculous. i shall not be influenced by them. oh yay tmr's talentime! me and lin ying are excited about it:)oh and i love ATHENA!!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009 Y
oh and in a depressed state, i miss my close friends so much. i feel like pouring out all my troubles to them. i miss them. ah... am i the only loser who still misses her friends so much after so many weeks of jc life? i really miss the days we walked out together after school. attended parades together as one platoon. sang the school song as a school. ate together and chit-chat and laugh like crazy people. studied in the same classroom together... there's no more chance of any of this anymore. we are all in separate schools now. none of this will come true now. i really miss those days. i cant wait for holidays when we can meet up together again:)
Thursday, March 12, 2009 Y
i felt super damn depressed today after receiving my maths lecture test back. though i expected to fail but the sad feeling still comes when i see my pathetic result. i flunked it, seriously flunked it. i think i have never or maybe most once or twice failed maths throughout my entire life. and sad to say,the test is counted! hope i dont fail anymore maths test or else i'm really to be super dead as i have to rely on my maths to be promoted to j2. the worst came when i received my econs test. actually i am one with low expectations at subjects which i have no confidence in and somemore econs is a new subject. the results i got was ok to me and i felt fine. but i realised people scored well for econs and i felt so demoralised again. wow. received 2 big blows today. i'm going to break down very soon. today's bio test was screwed too. it was only 15 min and i had to rush through the paper. i didnt manage to finish it as my brain blanked out when time was running out and i even almost forgot the important stuff which i was busy memorising before the test. and i was glad i slept yesterday or else it was really not worth it to work so hard last night and forget everything today. i slept about 3h last night:) not bad. better than expected. and i drank instant coffee last night to keep myself awake. and i had to brew the coffee so secretly to not let my parents discover or else they would start nagging again about me drinking coffee in the middle of the night. still have to go study for gp later on. hope i can pass but i think chances are low. never mind, jiayou!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 Y
today was cross country a.k.a walkaton. haha. lin ying, xin ying and i wanted to just walk throughout the whole route or walk halfway and turn back as we are sick. but we were so proud of ourselves a we managed to walk about 3/4 and jog about 1/4 of the route. we finished it and we were not the last! we were one of the first walking girls to reach the finishing line:) we dont feel tired at all. so fun. we even hoped that there will be more cross countries. maybe have on next week. haha. claudia and elizabeth were pro-er. they were sick too but they jogged throughout the thing and claudia clinched 8th and elizabeth 9th for the girls' mass run. *claps* To think we still didnt trust claudia when she said she going to take prize cause we thought they were always behind us. haha. and i dont know how claudia is going to face her mum cause her mum dont allow her to jog at all as she is sick. she was trying to give away her trophy. haha.
yay! we got to take a photo with the trophies:) (and i think i look bald)
today was such a nice day. ended school at 11a.m. and after that, i was slacking with lin ying all the way. we sat down at the edge of the class bench area and talk. i love talking to lin ying. we just talk random stuff:) we watched the guys play chapteh. hc guys love playing that and i dont know why. i have always thought chapteh is a game of luck, you kick it means that you are lucky. but today, i observed that the guys can really play damn well. they have mastered the skill of playing chapteh. it's fun watching people play chapteh:) they make me have the urge to learn how to play too but i dont see girls playing. i really think i should cherish the days when we have the chance to loiter around the school and talk about random topics. i feel so carefree. i dont like to mug in school. i cant concentrate. luckily i have lin ying who doesnt like studying in school too:) so when we are free, we can slack together and watch people mug:)and it's really amusing to have people almost not being able to recognise me just because i wore a hairband today to keep my fringe up so it wont get sweaty due to cross country. it's just a hairband, i didnt do plastic surgery what. so weird of them.OH and i seem to be really lagging behind in my school work already. i thought i was the only one but olivia also said she cant too. how? i feel so dumb in hwa chong. everyone there is so clever. today during chem tutorial, when my teacher was going through the tutorial and she asked if anyone needed her to explain one of the questions but no one raised their hand. i had the urge to raise cause my answer was only half-complete. but no one else raised so that means they know how to do. i felt like a loser. almost all my answers were half-complete cause i really dont know how to do. luckily my teacher was nice enough to briefly go through. i was super relieved. i'm super lagging behind in chem. other subjects are not anywhere better too. haiz... feel so stressed during tutorials all the time. feel more stressed that my class seem so clever. the thing me and lin ying were most unhappy about is that the ip students have learned some stuff which we have not learned before. e.g. fluid mosaic model for bio, some of the atomic structure for chem and translation of graphs for math. ahhh... i really cant take it. they would have had the foundation already,unlike us:(i'm worried for my gp test on friday. even olivia who can write better than me didnt do well for the test, then what about me, whose english is not proficient at all and vocab so limited. i'mso dead. and tonight, i have to study damn hard for bio. havent really started and my rate of studying is like super duper slow. i think i dont have to sleep tonight, i dont have the time to:( hope i wont see plunge into my bed when i see it while studying. no matter what, i must finish studying bio. the test is only 15 min lah but we have to study so much for it! wth. cant stand it.
Monday, March 09, 2009 Y
i was really blur today. i thought maths lecture test is tomorrow so i thought i had the time to slowly study yesterday and tonight. but today, after morning assembly, i heard my classmate saying it's maths lecture test now and i really got a shock. fortunately i studied a bit yesterday and on the bus, cause i was too free and i only had the last bit left. so i quickly looked through. no wonder ryan was so hardworking, studying maths on a sunday night, cause i know he's those last minute type of people. but the test was seriously damn screwed. out of the four questions, i already got 2 completely wrong, 1 careless, 1 dont know how to do. and the other 2, incomplete too. so shitty la.then during break, lin ying they all were trying to drag my time in the toilet and stuff but their acting skills are like.. haha.. not that good. i had to act along with them, as if i dont know anything about my birthday cake in the canteen. i thought i would be celebrating it with the rest of the march babies but to my surprise, the cake belongs to me only. a bit paiseh la. and claudia said i am the first person she had seen blowing off all the candles with one breath, i didnt even realise that. oh and the cake dewei bought tasted a bit like nail polish remover but others said it tasted like liquor. haha. and i miss the cedar style of birthday song. my class sang the english and mandarin version but no lala version in the end. but lin ying sang for me so i was still quite satisfied le:) thank you 09S7J!the present lay eng bought me was green, i realised after i reached home. and the letter she gave me is green too:) and what does it stand for? ATHENA! yay! she knows me well:)oh and just now at huang cheng, i was zi-highing. and me and vanessa thought of a zhao pai dong zuo for our class. the action has a bit link to our athena fac dance. and i think the action is super cool and funny. i love it:)
Sunday, March 01, 2009 Y
Post Orientation Party last friday was super duper fun! i really enjoyed myself and was happy that i didnt pon it:) it was as high as cmpfire and this time my clas did the mobile toot-toot train thing. we ran around like mad and had lots of fun! we were all paning hard by the time we stopped running. though i had sore throat, i still gave it my all and cheered madly since it would be the last few time or maybe last time we can all get so high. my classmates and i were all hopping and jumping like mad cows. it's like if we act like this on normal school days, people may think that we are crazy. and in the end, i almost lost all my voice. i have such a sexy voice now lah. haha!the fac dances were all very amazing. though Athena didnt win but i'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves and had done their best. GOOD JOB, ATHENA! BOOM BOOM SHAKE SHAKE ATHENA! WOO AH AH AH WOO AH AH AH WOO AH AH AH ATHENA!during POP, i saw the HCI NCC guys being so bonded and fun. that reminds me of my own platoon. heard them cheer ncc cheers. make me think back on the days we perspired and cheered during PTs. i had the urge to cheer along with them. i really miss DELTA '08. i miss CEDAR NCC. i would never ever find a cca as fun as it:( CEDAR NCC had really nurtured me into a different person. i would never forget the days all 22 of us shared together.