but it's quite sad now that everything's over.. no goal in my life. i miss doing 道具. i can still rmb how much i dreaded going for 黄城 last time as i had not many frens there and it was quite a waste of time but gradually, i became more and more enthu abt making props and becoming more and more committed to it. it's lyk my job. and now, i feel as if i'm a jobless person. haiz.. i miss 开工-ing with the rest at the amphi, talking and laughing and singing tgt everyday till late hours at nite. though it was tiring, it was a rly great experience. i miss 道具组! i know we will nv ever hav a chance to get tgt as one to do props anymore.. and we cant sing 一首华初的歌tgt as one anymore. so sad:'( i miss all the props we had done. almost all of them are gone by now. sad. luckily me and zhi yi managed to save our men kuang:) and even took photos with them though they were already a bit wounded. i seriously miss everyone, everything, the feeling and the sense of satisfaction u get when u see more and more props being done. i hav nv thought tt i would love 黄城道具so much until recently, when i see the amount of hard work and sweat everyone is putting in and all of us working as one. it's rly a rare scene in the past so i felt rly glad tt everyone actually turned up to help everyday. and i miss the fridays and saturdays when the few of us (zhi yi, cheryl, yuan han, yi ning and i) had grp reflections and went adam food centre in the middle of the night after 散会. i miss the ice-kachang there. and all the gossips we talked abt there. haha. i tink we are the only few ppl who still dun go home after work and can still hav the energy to eat supper:) i love us! i love 道具2009! i love 黄城夜韵2009! <333>
i rly enjoyed my 4 days at vt. how i wished time can stay there foreva...

(3 lazy and tired pigs sleeping while working -.-)

(it's almost 5 in the morning! only zhi yi and i made it! yay!!!)