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Sunday, February 07, 2010 Y

hehe ytd the 5 of us (i wen, huiyu, fiona, xiao jun and i) went out to celebrate huiyu's birthday! yay me, i wen and huiyu went to play pool first. haiz my skills still as sucky as b4:( the other 2 still as pro as b4:D yay then went just acia for dinner. wow my first time there and i realised the prices of the food there are reasonable, super cheap la. there is lyk free flow of ice-cream, hot drinks and soft drinks with every set meal ordered and the set meal i ordered is lyk only 5.90. damn cheap and there's no service charge only gst la. hmm y didnt i discover this place sooner. the food there is not bad la. yay then i wen managed to sneak off to buy huiyu's birthday cake. it's ice-cream cake!:D hah and it's for valentines day de la. hah. huiyu even had to use a spoon to cut the cake cos there was no knife given cos i tink it's meant to be cut with a steel knife. and we had to eat with our spoons too, the cake was super hard la. we realised there was dry ice in the cake box! exciting. hah aft eating the cake, we strted to carry out our exciting chemistry dry ice expt! damn fun and funny la! firstly we discovered tt there was this loud sizzling noise when the spoon came into contact with the dry ice. hah damn cool. then huiyu had got leftover soup in the bowl so i took a quite big piece of dry ice and put it into the soup. wow there was damn a lot of smoke gushing out la! seriously damn a lot. we were super shocked. hah and laughed lyk mad. then fiona even added dry ice into the ice-cream and there were effervescence, huge bubbles formed and they looked gross la:/ but funny. hah. we rly had damn a lot of fun experimenting:D
yay then went to play arcade. very fun shooting and fiona is a pro!:D
hope we can meet out soon again!<333

-living in simplicity-

Wednesday, January 06, 2010 Y

-living in simplicity-

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 Y
ytd the sentosa trip was quite fun la but sad i cant go into the water:( but i tink it was more fun at vivo there maybe:) haha played some childhood games, 回味过去的感觉真好:) hah lucky vivian misses her childhood games too so at least got ppl enthu in playing with me:) hah then in the end the guys joined in too:)

wah then today sian nv do much hmwk yet though:/ dead la, see my hmwk still left with tons of it:( haiz.. hope i can rly complete it. seems lyk never ending stack:/

-living in simplicity-

Sunday, December 27, 2009 Y
hah today early in the morning at 8 received phone call frm merri's hse la. tot she called wrong number cos lyk recently nv rly keep in touch with her where will call me so randomly early in the morning. but it kept ringing so i decided to pick up. and she was rly looking for me. hah. she needed my help for the camp she and her sis had organised for some organisation. need me to be one of the station masters. she asked fiona too. then tot we'll be stationed at the same station then when we reached there, realised had to be alone at a station la:( hah and fiona was so badly bitten by mosquitoes la. hah they just love her blood:)

for my station it was some memory game cos one representative had to come out and memorised the 9 items and their positions in the box then go back tell grp members which items they had to find in the room then he had to place them back in the same manner into another box. wah the little kids are quite violent cos they rly searched the place lyk mad and anyhow moved all the chairs. quite fun seeing them play the game la:D hah and long time since i last briefed ppl on stuff:) hah but tink sometimes i spoke too fast and diff to understand my instructions so the kids kept questioning me abt the game:/ haha didnt know i tok so fast.

tmr going sentosa play again with drama camp ppl and peilin:D hope tmr will be fun:)

-living in simplicity-

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 Y
ytd was damn fun!

first set out in the morning to meet lin ying at potong pasir with our main aim to take lin ying's yearbook which she bought frm cedar and to take a tour ard our new sch:) aft coming out frm macs, we strted walking a long route to cedar excitedly. hah cedar has finally almost reached the completion of its renovation and we're excited to see our new sch:DDD hah and when we saw it, our first reaction was lots of omg, so nice lah etc. cedar rly looked super nice and classy now:) it's such a pity that we're unable to study inside:( we strolled ard the sch and took lots of photos of our new sch:D we rly envy the students who're going to study in that sch! esp those new sec ones going in next yr cos they can straight study in tt nice nice sch! hah many of the places are being extended and the colours of the walls are mostly under the theme of blue, yellow, grey and white:) nice. i like the nice nice stairs in the foyer the most. looks damn classy la! love it!

our sch is not tt big so, unknowingly we finished roaming the sch in quite a short amount of time. so we went to the general office to take the yearbook and left the sch.

we left for plaza singapura cos we're meeting kaiyun, wan chu and vanessa there afterwards for clique outing. that is our first complete clique outing la! me and lin ying camped at kopitiam while waiting for kaiyun to reach. hah played the games in her new i-touch:) hah and we realised lin ying's brain is bigger than mine. hah i'm a geek and she's a nerd:) then went to shop for christmas gifts with kaiyun. and when vanessa and wc reached, we set off for settlers cafe in smu straight away since we were all not hungry for dinner:) hah i forgot how to go but rmbed zhiyi telling me will go past cathay first so we walked to cathay and frm there we saw smu:) hah but i tink i quite fail cos when we reached smu, i still almost led them the wrong way. i didnt know we had to take the escalator down frm there but all of them knew la!:/ hah.

wah when we found our way to the cafe, the cafe was damn packed and somemore it was a monday la. but luckily the staff inside told us the student package ends at 6p.m. and it was alrdy 5.30p.m. at tt time so we decided to go for the package which strts at 6 at ends at 10. it's only one dollar diff for the free flow of drinks so of course we didnt mind:) when it was 6, we went back but was given the place with normal seats instead of sofa type. we asked and they said the sofa ones were reserved alrdy:( yay and we strted off playing with jungle speed. hah i didnt know the name of the game but i knew tt the previous time i played, it was super fun. and i was describing to the rest how it was like and i was waiting for the staff to come out frm the room and ask him. but when i was describing to lin ying abt the game, the staff came out and walked behind us and kept telling me to take tt red bag on the shelf. i ignored him cos i didnt know why he kept recommending me tt game when i wanted jungle speed. so i strted to describe to him and even before i rly described much, he said it was in the red bag. then i finally understodd why he kept asking me to take the red bag. hah he eavesdropped on us la, or maybe i was just too loud:/ hah. then we strted playing tt reaction game:) damn fun. hah my reaction is the fastest when i see the card which requires everyone to grab the wooden block in the middle:) hah. then we played some other games also which the staff recommended.

and oh ya actually ytd's clique outing was meant to be a belated birthday celeb for lin ying. hah we wanted to giv her the present we made for her but we kept it a secret. but she had long suspected y wc brought a board to our outing. hah but aft playing some games, we found a chance to giv her the present:) and she rly likes it:D

hah we rly found the board games damn fun. rly enjoyed ourselves:) but the free flow of drinks would rly kill ppl's bladder. hah me and kaiyun were like paper bladders la, we went to the toilet for abt 6 times i tink within tt 3 and a half hours there. hah we went the most number of times:/ it was lyk aft we went back to the cafe frm the toilet, within a while, we felt lyk going again la:/ hah damn funny. and i tink i was rly cunning and violent during some of the games. haha i just snatched the stuff frm other ppl's hands. haha very bad kid:/ hah but we rly had fun playing:D shall go there again soon if possible:D

-living in simplicity-

Monday, December 21, 2009 Y
ytd was looking at huang cheng namelist for 2010. quite sad to see tt daoju only left with 10 j2s:( hope next yr will be able to jio in more j1s:) but nvm most daoju'09 ppl still in huang cheng, can still work tgt. no matter whether those ppl are daoju ppl or not, so long as they are huang cheng ppl, i know we'll 合作愉快! hope next yr huang cheng will be fun too. i want to make daojus! at least my life will be more meaningful than now.

wah and feel so guilty tt kaiyun missed her last bus home so she had to walk 5 stops home:/ didnt know her hse was so damn far frm bishan and the few of us still ended so late.

-living in simplicity-

Saturday, December 19, 2009 Y
went out with good fren to orchard this afternoon. hah shopping time!!:D but quite dampening tt it was raining and we wanted to walk to far east plaza. [omg haha i watching 我猜now, jacky damn funny la! hah.] hah then i tink it was when we walked back to mrt there wanted to go another shopping mall tt time, i realised my feet seems weird when walking and when i look down, omg, my heels de strap broke la! cant even walk properly le la-.- hah. lucky it's quite an old heels liao or else heartbreak. hah and thx fren for walking slowly with me to rubis to buy flip flops. hah and 陪我 choose for so long la. hah cos i broke le, cant spend money on shoes which was lyk so unexpected de la, plus i dunnid la-.- then in the end decided to buy flip flops which cost $9.95:) then went to pay and the person told me 10 bucks can buy one or 2 leh. weird la. so i went to take another pair. tot the price there which states tt the flip flops are 5 bucks with any purchase, meaning if i buy 2 pairs then it shld be 15 bucks but the salesgirl said 10 which was weird but obviously i would take 2 since it's 10 bucks for either 1 pair or 2. but i tink i look so weird la, stupid, wearing flip flops when i was wearing a skirt-.- nvm noone knows me:)

hah then had fun trying on clothes for fun with my fren:) hah fren u are not fat la seriously:D hav confidence in urself. hah i tried those clothes to help u boost confidence de leh and so tt u can try on or else u'd never know whether u can wear:) and today had proved a lot of things:D hah.

hah and 吴宗宪's 我猜 is rly funny la. hah. he's always so funny:D

-living in simplicity-


-sleeping; eating; playing; laughing etc.
-ex-NCC cadet


-to not be the last in class in JC
-To get sufficient sleep
-To be able to eat nice nice food:)
-To have many wonderful friends around her



i wen
zhao ming
Yet Hong
kai wen
fiona (6B)
wing hay
jun kai
lin ying
xin ying
cheng jun
han cheng
yuan xin